
声学概论 Acoustics conspectus

浏览数量: 118     作者: 思威特     发布时间: 2022-03-29      来源: 广东思威特智能科技股份有限公司


Acoustics is science of sound, studying sound producing, emitting, receiving and effect. Idea of original sound mean that ear can hear a vibration of the air, frequency range is between 20Hz to 20KHz. Human extend sound range in modern times, frequency lower than 20Hz is infrasound or higher than 20KHz is ultrasonic.


1. 声的基本特征Character of Sound


Token of sound perception to human: (1) loudness sound; (2) Pitch sound ; (3) Musical quality.

Token of sound vibration : (1) Amplitude; (2) frequency; (3) frequency spectrum.

2.人耳的听觉图Ear hearing range


The different frequency sound is absolutely different sensitivity to the human ear. To the natural human, frequency lower than 20Hz and higher than 20KHz sound are not heard. At the range of 20Hz to 20KHz, it can hear, but sensitivity has big different. The most sensitivity range is 1KHz to 3KHz. The sensitivity of human ear is very high in this range.



  The human ear may hear the sound . When the sound intensity exceed a specific minimal value, The minimal value called threshold of hearing. On the other hand, the strong sound intensity results pressure or even painfulness to the ear. To have a feeling of equivalent to sound intensity called pain valve.


3.等响曲线Equal loudness contours



上图示等响曲线, 是根据许多听觉正常的听者对于响度的判断得来的。在每一条曲线上任何一点所代表的声音对人耳听起来时同样响的。每条线上附注的数字称为声响级。声响级L的单位叫做方。任何声音的声响级等于一样响的一个1000赫兹声音的声强级,因此,对1000赫兹的声音老说,它的声响级(以方计)就等于它的声强级(以分贝计),L=N。图中的纵坐标是声强级,以分贝计,横坐标是频率,以赫兹计。

The human can hear the range of the sound intensity that is very big. Our calculation method is very difficult when the number variation range is very big. We use the logarithmic unit to show the intensity of sound and name the number that show by decibel as sound intensity level.


4.音调Pitch Sound


Like volume, the feeling of pitch sound is in logarithmic rate . As long as the frequency doubled No matter how much is the frequency of the original),we will feel that the pitch sound enhances a octave.

设频率从f0起一次增加一倍,即fn/ f0=2n.


n=log2 fn/f0=1/ log2. log fn/f0=3.32 log2 fn/f0



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